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Is the shipping free?
Yes. Worldwide shipping is already included in the price. Shipping times may
When will I receive my item?
When we have received your order, you will automatically receive an e-mail confirming your order.Delivery time is usually 5-10 working days.
Can I make changes to my order before it ships?
Unfortunately, we can't make changes or cancel an order after it's been submitted.
An item may only be canceled if it is on pre-order. If you would like to cancel a pre-ordered item, shoot an email to with your order number and we'll handle that for you.
How do i track my order?
Once your order ships, you’ll receive a separate email providing you with a tracking number to track your order.* Sometimes this email gets sorted into spam or promotions folders, so be sure to take a look in there if it feels like you’ve been waiting a little too long.
*Please note that sometimes tracking can take a day or two to be updated by the carrier. If it looks like it's not moving, chances are it's on its way!
Do you ship internationally?
We do! You can take a look at our rates and policyhere.